Dr. Hafiz Atif Iqbal, and Dr Muhammad Akram Hureri. “Deduction of Zakat on Shares and Life Insurance Policy: An Analytical Study in the Context of Zakat and Ushr Laws of Pakistan: حصص اور بیمہ زندگی پالیسی سے کٹوتی ِ زکوۃ : پاکستان کےقوانین ِ زکوۃ و عشر کے تناظر میں ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ”. International "Journal of Academic Research for Humanities" 3, no. 1 (February 16, 2023): 47–55. Accessed February 5, 2025. https://jar.bwo-researches.com/index.php/jarh/article/view/136.