An Analytical Survey of Arthur Jeffery's Studies on the Textual Criticism of the Quran : Nill
Arthur Jeffery (1892-1959), an Australia-based American Orientalist is considered an authority among the Western scholars on the Qur'ān particularly the Textual Criticism of the Qur'ān. Dr. Jeffery worked as a professor of Semitic Languages at the School of Oriental Studies of the American University at Cairo (1921-1937) and then taught jointly at Columbia University New York City and Union Theological Seminary (1938-1959). His chief interest in research was philology and linguistics. He chose the holy book of Islam for philological and linguistic analysis. During his professional career, he left several remarkable works on the subject ranging from complete books, research articles, book chapters and lectures. The most important works include, ‘The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qur’ān’, ‘Materials for the History of the Text of the Qur'ān: Old Codices’, ‘The Qur’an as Scripture’ and ‘The Koran: Selected Suras’. The present research is qualitative in its nature. The common theme of all his works under discussion is textual criticism in terms of recital variations of the Qur'ānic text, its borrowed vocabulary, the process of textual preservation and arrangement of the text. They shall be evaluated under the methodology of analytical research and the lacuna for which Jeffery’s theories are unacceptable for the Muslims will be pointed out.
Orientalist, Holy Qur'ān, Textual, Criticism, Analytical
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