رفاہی اداروں میں زکوٰۃ کے استعمال کی ضرورت اور درست طریقۂ کار: “Use of Zakat in Charities” Necessity and Correct Procedure

Zakat is one of five Islamic pillars. It is the base of the Islamic economy structure and fundamental order. Like every important order, some rules and regulations have been fixed by the sharia law. Zakat payment is not valid without following these rules. Many organizations present in our society, who receive zakat, to help poor people and -according to their views- they use zakat in its correct place, but this concept is not enough to fulfil pay of zakat. It is also important to follow the sharia principles. To decide the actual status of the institution is very imperative to determine whether the institution is using Zakat correctly or not that. There are some different theories about this status as sharia point of view.
Zakat, Charities, Necessity of Charity , Correct Procedure of Zakwat, Government , Government version