Significance of Dialogue for Religious and Social Harmony in the Light of Islamic Teachings: اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں مذہبی و سماجی ہم آہنگی کے فروغ میں "مکالمے" کی ضرورت واہمیت

Pakistan has great potential to grow but unfortunately, it is blanketed in some critical problems which are the hurdles in the way of social development and economic prosperity. These problems include violent extremism, anarchy, corruption, illiteracy, political rivalries, religious intolerance, social incoherence, and lack of fortitude. Consequentially the masses are insecure, restless, and perplexed. A solution to these societal ailments doesn’t lie with an individual or a party rather it seeks national unity and societal integration. This research article analyzes the causes of the lack of social harmony and recommends solutions for the establishment of a peaceful and progressive society. Effective social dialogue, communal discourses, critical thinking, national integration, tolerance, respect for diversity, fortitude, and democratic demeanour are pivotal for Pakistan's progress and peace. To promote social coherence and religious harmony the researchers have expounded on the subjects related to respect for diversity, advancement of democratic and civic values, the supremacy of law, promotion of tolerance, societal fortitude, and providence of quality education and training. Particularly the necessity and significance of ‘DIALOGUE’ has been highlighted in the light of Islam. Specific suggestions pertinent to the promotion of social and religious harmony in educational institutes have also been presented in the article.
Critical Thinking, , Unity in Diversity, Social Harmony, Interfaith Dialogue, Conflict Management
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