Historical Study of the Nahar Dynasty of Seetpur: A Case of Political Autonomy
The paper primarily deals and explores a small regional dynasty of Seetpur, which governed by a family called Nahar Lodhi of Seetpur located as a small town at Seetpur in current Muzaffargarh District. The Nahar dynasty was parallel against the Langah Dynasty of Multan. Nahar Dynasty established by Lodhi Family during Syed Dynasty of Delhi in the southern part of Muzaffargarh and Dera Ghazi Khan. It was a strong regional government and they maintained and protected their political identity against other strong regional powers i.e. Langah and Miranis Dynasties of Multan and Dera Ghazi Khan respectively. The question is how they formed and recognized their political autonomy till centuries. The paper highlights the historical background of Nahar Family and the major characteristics of their political autonomy and nature of this Nahar Dynasty.
Seetpur, Nahar, Islam Khan, Tahir Khan, Langah
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