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Hadith Tashabbuh: A Critical Evaluation in the light of ‘Ilm Asmā-al-Rijāl: حدیث تشبہ:علم اسماء الرجال کی روشنی میں سندی وتحقیقی جائزہ

Editor speaking at Dr Alam's Community Model YouTube


Imitation of the infidels is one of the core issues of recent time and it is discussed according to the basic instructions of Islamic social system. This issue is normally argued under the guidance of hadith and there are several hadiths which explains the legal position of this sensitive issue, but one hadith about imitation is regarded as a final or basic source for this matter and it is quoted mostly among scholars. Almost, all the ancient or contemporary jurists considered it as a decisive guidance about resemblance with non-Muslims and does not allow the Muslims to imitate with infidels.  This article elaborates about the authenticity of this hadith under the science of ‘Ilm Asmā-al-Rijāl and decides the legal position about the imitation of infidels. This study will be beneficial not only for new scholars but also for general public as well. This article also discusses the lawfulness about this issue in the matters of our daily life.


Hadith, Tashabbuh, ‘Ilm Asmā-al-Rijāl, Jurists, authenticity, Infidels.