The Effect of Information Enabled Logistics Integration on Operational Performance of an FMCG Manufacturing Firm in Karachi: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Risk Management
Researchers and industry professionals agree that well-integrated supply chain partners are essential to high-performing supply chains. Material and information flow are the two main directions in these partnerships. Information integration and logistics integration have been the subject of distinct studies in the past but seldom considered together. This study investigates how Information, technology, and logistics integration affect the operational efficiency of a manufacturing firm in Pakistan with the influence of Supply chain risk management. A quantitative approach has been used to analyze data from over 36 fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies in Karachi demonstrating that logistics integration has a significant impact on operational performance. Risk management enables a firm to tackle uncertainties and increase performance in the ever-changing corporate environment. In addition to bridging the gap between logistics integration and operational performance, supply chain risk management is recognized as a crucial component of every successful supply chain. Information and supply chain integration have indirect effects on operational effectiveness. This research examines how advances in IT have altered supply chain risk management and, ultimately, the outcomes of operations. Managers and business owners can use this study's findings to inform their decision-making. This research identifies the positive impact of IT implementation in logistics integration to improve operational performance and minimize risks. These findings will help future researchers to consider logistics as a separate entity from a supply chain when determining the performance of a firm.
Logistics integration, , Information technology, Information sharing, Risk management, Supply Chain Integration
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