Symbolic investigation in the Movie “The Donkey King”: A Semiotic Analysis

As signs, semiotics, cultural society, and common occurrences are examined. Semiotic analysis is primarily used to investigate, comprehend, and translate signs and the interaction between signs and sign systems. This study seeks to identify the symbols in the motion picture "The Donkey King" through semiotic analysis. Ogden and Richard's Theory of Meaning" is applied to the film "The Donkey King" to comprehend the symbols more deeply. The study is going to find out the symbols in the movie “The Donkey King” while keeping the Pakistani context in mind, and interpretation is done through semiotic analysis. To gain a deeper understanding of the symbols, “Peirce’s Theory of Semiotics” is applied in the movie “The Donkey King."
ESL Learners, , English as a Second Language (ESL), , Language Learning Strategies (LLSs), , SILL Questionnaire, , SPSS, , Variables
Author Biography
Dr Samina Sarwat
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