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Parents and Teachers Attitudes toward Life Skills-based Education at Elementary Level


     In recent years, educators have been attempting to address the growing needs of both young people and adults in today's workforce, which has led to the rise in popularity of skills-based education, also known as life skills education (LBSE). The purpose of this study is to develop a new guideline to promote and ensure life skills-based education using the flipped method in elementary schools in Pakistan. The research focuses on the attitudes of both teachers and parents in Pakistan regarding the concept of life-skills-based education. The collection of data from five elementary schools in Islamabad was carried out using a technique known as convenience mixed methodology research. The research data that was collected regarding the attitudes of both teachers and parents toward life skills training was subjected to thematic analysis to investigate the findings. It has been stated by the participants that LSBE gives children the ability to maintain a healthy balance in their behavior and to cope with intense feelings, such as anger or depression, which, if we react inappropriately, can harm our health. To effectively instruct their students, teachers are required to move towards the inverted classroom. When it comes to education, the primary responsibility lies with teachers shifting the emphasis away from teacher-centred learning and toward student-centred learning.


Parents, Teachers, Attitudes, Skills, Education.


Author Biography

DR. M. Imran Yousuf


.DR. Muhammad Imran Yousaf is a Professor at the Department of Education, ARID AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY RAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN

DR Muhammad Imran




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