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منٹو کی افسانہ نگاری اور"ٹیٹوال کا کتا": تنقیدی مطالعہ: Monto's Fiction and 'Tetwaal Ka Kutta": Critical Study


Manto is a significant figure in Urdu fiction of the 20th century. His literary works provide a deep insight into the social issues faced by individuals. One of his short stories, titled "Tetwaal ka kutta" is set in the context of the Kashmir conflict. Although critical opinions of this story often analyze it as a reflection of Hindu-Muslim antagonism, the story itself presents conflicting views on this matter. The soldiers' reaction to the uniformity of the situation, the natural scenery's charm, and the portrayal of both harmony and conflict with an animal all add layers to the story's meaning beyond its general context. This paper attempts to explain these textual references and identify any gaps that need to be addressed in the story.


Manto, short story, Tetwaal ka kutta, Kashmir conflict, Hindu-Muslim antagonism



  1. Iftikhar Mughal, (2005), Prose Literature of Azad Kashmir, Dissertation for PhD Urdu, Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University,
  2. Khalid Ashraf (2006), Fasane Minto's and then Bian Apna, Lahore: Kitab Dunya,
  3. Minto, Saadat Hasan (1995), Minto Nama, Lahore: Milestone Publications
  4. Tahira Iqbal (2015), Pakistani Urdu Fiction, Lahore: Fiction House
  5. Tahira Iqbal (2012), The Manto Style, Lahore: Fiction House