بانو قدسیہ کے افسانے"توجہ کی طالب" کا نفسیاتی مطالعہ : A PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY OF BANO QUDSIA'S SHORT STORY "TAWAJO KI TAALIB"
Bano Qudsia is a very prominent writer of Urdu fiction. She depicts the psychological conditions of human beings very clearly in her writings. Her short story "Tawajo ki Taalib” is a description of the psychological conditions of a person who is suffering from social inattention. Nusrat, the main character, suffers from an inferiority complex and deprivation due to her personal shortcomings. Nusrat's mother is also suffering from the same neglect. Both of these characters are waging psychological warfare to get attention from people. This article analyzes the psychological problems of these two characters in the context of human instincts.
Bano Qudsia, Short Story, Tawajo Ki Taalib, Oedipus complex
Author Biography
Dr Tahir Nawaz
Dr Ghulam Farida
- Altaf. Fatima, (2008), Bano Qudsia: Shakhsiat Aur Shairy, Haider Abad: Insha Institution,
- Naz. Aqleema, (2015), Qudsia: Ahwal o Asaar (PhD thesis), Islamabad: National University of Modern Languages
- Sigmund Freud, (1920), A General Selection from the Works of Sigmund Freud, edited by John Rickman, p.52
- Qudsia. Bano, (2011), Kuch Aur Nahin, Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publication
- Effat. Afzal, (2003), Bano Qudsia: Shakhsiat Aur Fun, Haider Abad: InSha Institution