Semiotic Analysis of Non-Communicative Features in Title Texts of Two Renowned Pakistani Dramas : through Multi-Modality Framework
The following study tends to analyze the non-communicative features in the title texts of two renowned Pakistani drama serials with the help of a multi-modal framework. In applied linguistics, the non-communicative analysis of semiotic signs through images has been introduced by Kress and Leeuwen (1996). The study attempts to analyze the representative symbols of two Pakistani drama serials through multi-modality. It shows the visual communication of title pages through various non-rhetoric techniques. The selected title pages demonstrate the submissive roles of women in Pakistani society depicted through nonverbal communicative techniques by scholars. Both of the renowned Pakistani dramas were picturized in the year 2019. The study is qualitative and interpreted. The title pages of these dramas have been taken from Google images. The actual thematic philosophy behind each Pakistani drama is examined with its title text that shows various modes of vision, the overall frame of the characters, and different modes of actions for characters on the title page, and it is perceived through specific subtle philosophic art. The results from the findings have shown that the title texts on the cover page of the drama serials tend to demonstrate the submissive role of women in Pakistani society through the nonverbal communicative techniques and the subtle perceptive male dominancy shown in each of the drama serials. They try to sketch current women's status in male-dominated Pakistani society. This study can help future researchers to give their contributions differently following this topic through semiotic analysis of Pakistan's film industry.
Culture, Dramas, Framework, Multi-Modality, Semiotics
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