Impact of Practicing Gratitude on Focus and Resilience in Classroom Learning among University Students: A Qualitative Analysis

The current study aimed to evaluate the impact of gratitude on focus and resilience in classroom learning among university students through an in-depth study. Therefore, the current study has been based on the qualitative research design, and data has been collected from 30 university students of Islamia University of Bahawalpur. The current study's problem is to investigate why university students cannot focus on learning and practising gratitude. The thematic analysis technique has been used to analyse the data, and findings have been mentioned in different themes. The participants have been selected through random sampling. The e-mail as a reminder of gratitude was sent to all the participants, with 15 semi-structured questions related to gratitude, focus, and resilience. It has been found that those students who have received the e-mail are prone to experience more gratitude, which has increased the focus on classroom learning. In contrast to this, those university students who were not involved in this study and have not received any e-mail reminder to practice gratitude experienced less level of resilience and focused on learning. The findings of this study can be used to enhance the university students' focus on learning and resilience through practising gratitude, which is the significance of the study and its implication. The current study is limited to university students, and findings can be generalized to only the study population. These findings can be used to enhance gratitude, resilience, and focus on learning among university students and develop best practices for effective learning by teachers.
Resiliance, Class room learning, Gratitute
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