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A Trauma, too Often in Silence: A Case Study about Psychological Impact of Child Sexual Abuse in Punjab, Pakistan


Child sexual abuse is an adverse harmful behavior against children, usually occurring in silence but leaving prolonged psychological impacts on survivors. The study was focused on investigating that what could be the possible psychological impact of child sexual abuse on survivors. The study aimed to find out the demographic and socioeconomic information of the respondents as well as to investigate the nature of the psycho-emotional health impact of child sexual abuse.  The nature of the study was qualitative and the case study method was applied. The universe of the study was child sexual abuse survivors from Punjab, Pakistan. The simple random sampling technique was applied for the selection of districts and the purposive sampling technique was applied for the selection of courts and respondents. The sample size was comprised of 15 case studies and the tool for data collection was an interview guide containing semi-structured open-ended questions. The data was analyzed with the help of thematic analysis. Children are significantly vulnerable to sexual abuse in Pakistan and the study was primarily focused on its psychological impact. The study concluded that adverse experiences of sexual abuse during childhood had significant impacts on the individuals who suffered from it. The survivors have a persistent fear of revictimization, and they feel tense, and worried, and get scared easily. It is also concluded that several psychological/mental health problems such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, depression, hostile issues, and poor self-esteem are linked with “Silent abuse” known as “child sexual abuse”.  


Trauma, , Anxiety, , Depression, , Hostility, , Stress.


Author Biography

Dr. Yasir Nawaz Nanj

Dr. Yasir Nawaz Mnaj is a professor in Sociology and serving as Dean Arts & Social Sciences as well as  Chairman, Department of Sociology, Government College Women University Sialkot. Before that, he was associate professor in Sociology (X-Chairman, Department of Sociology & Criminology at University of Sargodha, Pakistan. 


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