Exploring The Social Context of Online English Language Teaching (ELT) Platforms: A Critical Discourse Analysis of YouTube Comments

This study aimed to investigate the social context of online ELT platforms on social media. For this purpose, data were collected from the four most popular English Language and Teaching YouTube channels with the mutual theme of communication/speaking skills. One hundred comments from each ELT YouTube channel were extracted for the investigation of the social context of education on social media. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to manipulate the phenomenon. Norman Fairclough's 3D model of discourse followed as a theoretical framework. AntConc was also used to explore word lists and language descriptions. Google and Excel sheets were used for the graphical representation of the data through charts and graphs. This study focused on the use of language in comments by using critical discourse analysis (CDA) to better understand how people construct and negotiate meaning in this setting. This study found that the aspect of language acquisition in comment sections enables users to communicate effectively and share cultures. The current study concluded that language varies according to the context in which it is used. Furthermore, the conclusion of this study provided valuable insights and revealed that the online commenters used formal and straightforward sentence structure to convey their opinions in the comment section. The development of language learning that allowed users and commentators to express themselves, participate in the discourse, and acquire an aesthetic sense of self-assurance in their command of the English language was greatly aided by these formal language choices. This study welcomed recommendations for future studies.
ELT, Discourse, Language, Youtube,, Comments
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