Use of Social Networking Applications in English Language Teaching (ELT): Adult Learners’ Perceptions In Pakistani ESL Context

Due to increasing advancements in innovations, social media influences the social texture of our society. It has transformed the processes of communication, interaction, and socialization. The current study was executed to explore the learners' perceptions regarding its usage to improve the English language. The study's objectives were to highlight preferences of social networking applications for language skills development by ESL learners and explore the views of ESL instructors regarding possible benefits and threats of using innovative tools in ELT. Due to the importance of social media applications and their role in communication, information sharing, skill enhancement, English vocabulary development, motivation, and proficiency in the English language, the researchers focused their research on the aforementioned aspects and their effects on the perceptions of ESL learners. The researcher utilized a survey-based technique, so a questionnaire was adopted to explore ESL learners' views regarding the effectiveness of innovative tools in the English language learning process. Also, it was a mixed-method approach. At the same time, semi-structured interviews were conducted to demonstrate ESL teachers' views about the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing social networking platforms to learn the English language. The results of this study indicated that YouTube is the most widely used source among university learners of district Sialkot. Similarly, the teachers' views also suggest that social media is paramount in earning English. Therefore, the result of this study, it is suggested that this research will be valuable to instructors and syllabus designers to enhance the efficacy of teaching the English language.
Skills, perception, innovation, communication, enhancement
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