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Eco Linguistics-Infused Procedural Text Learning for ESL Students’ Success


This research aimed to investigate ESL students' perceptions of the Eco linguistics-based procedural text teaching model and its impact on their learning experiences, particularly concerning the procedural text. A mixed-method approach was employed, involving a purposive sample of 100 undergraduate English department students from the 3rd and 4th semesters at the University of Central Punjab (UCP), Bahawalpur. Data collection utilized 23-item questionnaires, pretests, and posttests. SPSS version 26 analyzed questionnaire and test data, while thematic analysis was applied to open-ended questions. The findings indicated that learners had a positive attitude toward learning English through an eco-linguistics-based procedural teaching approach. Notably, 73% of students expressed satisfaction with the procedural text activities, acknowledging their role in enhancing language skills, particularly in writing. Furthermore, 60% of the participants favoured the procedural text teaching model. Crucially, the study revealed significant improvements in writing skills when comparing pretest and posttest results. Learners in the experimental group exhibited higher scores in the post-test, indicating the efficacy of the Eco linguistics-based procedural text model in enhancing procedural text writing skills. In conclusion, this model represents a novel approach to teaching English, emphasizing the importance of environmental values and love. The study suggests that integrating environmental themes into procedural text activities can not only enhance language learning but also promote environmental consciousness among learners. Therefore, it is recommended to encourage adoption of procedural text writing methods in English language classrooms, with a focus on instilling environmental care and love within the learners, fostering both linguistic and environmental awareness.


ESL, Activities, Efficacy, Instilling, Fostering



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