Pedagogical Utility of Funds of Knowledge for Education for Pluralism: A Case Exploring Prospective Teachers’ Perceptions

The need to promote plurality in schools is evident from the frequency of violence, hostility, and conflicts that arise from ethnic, religious, and cultural differences in Pakistan. Therefore, this study aims to explore prospective teachers’ perception of the pedagogical value and utility of parental/family ‘Funds of Knowledge’ in promoting appreciation and understanding of cultural pluralism in the classroom. The objectives of this study are to explore the perceptions of prospective teachers on the concept of Funds of knowledge in the context of education for pluralism and to explore pedagogical strategies for using funds of knowledge to promote cultural diversity. The study used a qualitative methodology based on semi-structured interviews with 7 student-teachers (perspective teachers) from the Department of Education as participants at Sukkur IBA University, Sindh, Pakistan. The population was selected through purposive sampling. This study examines pluralism as a means of embracing smaller cultures within a larger dominant culture. The Funds of Knowledge (FOK) concept is disclosed as a strategy to promote classroom pluralism by embracing cultural activities and encouraging student development and parental involvement. However, teachers encounter barriers to adopting FOKs, such as a lack of autonomy in curriculum selection and authoritarian school and classroom leadership. Schools should foster pluralism through storytelling, group learning, and role-playing to provide an inclusive environment for all children, regardless of their culture, race, religion, or neighborhood. The study concludes by emphasizing the significance of fostering open-mindedness and appreciation for diverse perspectives to create a society that values diversity and distinction.
Pluralism, Culture, Diversity, Pedagogy, Inclusivity
Author Biography
Dr. Al Karim Datoo
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