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اسلام میں خواتین کی معاشی سرگرمیاں اور غربت کا خاتمہ: Women’s Economic Activities and Poverty Alleviation in Islam


One of the major economic problems of today is poverty, which has given rise to insecurity, intolerance, an inferiority complex, deprivation, and crime in society. The whole world is busy working hard to solve this problem, but so far no significant results have come out. The present economic situation of Pakistan is not encouraging. According to a report by the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiative (MOPDSI) 24.3 % of the people in Pakistan are living below the poverty line, which is 55 million. Similarly, according to the list released by the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2022, Pakistan is ranked 161 out of 192 countries providing health, education and a better quality of life. Allah Almighty has revealed Islam as His favourite and perfect religion. Thus, all the responsibility of meeting the economic needs has been placed on the shoulders of men, but the door of earning a livelihood has been kept open for women as well. Women can also participate in economic activities if needed. At present, the population of women in Pakistan is 49.6 % of the total population, which is about 11, 45, 25, and 803. Therefore, women can play an important role in alleviating poverty given the needs of the time and situation. In this research paper, an attempt has been made to bring forward such economic activities of women in the light of Islam, which can help alleviate poverty.


Islam and women, economic activities, economic problems, poverty alleviation, women empowerment



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