A Digital Analysis of Uncle Roger Using Visual Methodologies
Digital literature has given rise to an amalgamation of traditional literature with technology that leads us to enhanced text. It is a new form of literature that is read through clutters, gutters, and the touch of the screen rather than laboring through pages. The reader gets engaged with the text through creativity, self-direction, and experimentation with the technology, the role of a reader is transferred from being passive to active. It enhances the text and makes it alive by using multimedia tools and enhances the reading experience by immersive reading, aggrandized experience through amplification, and creates partial-authorship and a better-than-real version through simulation. Uncle Roger is text containing hyperfiction, magic realism, and non-linear narrative using hypertexts, simple images, and basic graphics. It consists of three chapters, A Party in the Woodside, Notebook, and Terminals, each chapter contains various hypertexts and hyperlinks that help in creating the plot of the story. The text combines textual and visual materials including colors, pictures, sound, etc. that enhance the digitization of literature. Uncle Roger has been analyzed using the textual method of analysis and by employing three modalities as digital methodologies devised by Gillian Rose; technological modality, compositional, and social modality to comment on the use of magic realism in this digital text and its contribution in meaning-making. This research opens a new dimension of research for the future and provides researchers with new areas of exploration in the digital world as the digital world is ever-lasting and never-ending with various loops and nodes.
Digital, immersion, simulation, amplification, multimodalities
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