Modernization of Higher Education with Artificial Intelligence Learning Applications

Applications of artificial intelligence enhance the competence of learners in a robust way which can bring confidence in learning. AI applications can bring new advancements in the science of learning and content understanding procedures. With important information materials, assisting and new essential ways brought the development in learning with individualized systems that help the learners to develop confidence and learning skills of learners. This study has investigated the motivation and effectiveness of learners towards applications of artificial intelligence which discover the new trends in the science of learning and management of learning with effective skills from applications of artificial intelligence. This study is geared towards the five higher educational institutions. This study found that most of the learners have shown positive responses with applications of artificial intelligence and most of the learners have shown the motivated response with factors that AI applications increase the learning abilities, AI applications enhance the learning interest and AI applications modified the learning skills of learners. This study further found that most of the learners have shown positive responses to the effectiveness of AI applications. This study concludes that there is good interaction between AI applications and learners this interaction will be more motivated if the training sessions are arranged, and incubation centres will be arranged to enhance the technology interactions with learners and systems. This study suggests that there should be curriculum development about AI applications that can develop the central idea regarding AI applications.
Education, learning, Applications, Interaction, Management
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