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Role of Spiritual Intelligence, Work-Family Conflict and Job Performance among University Teachers


This study investigates the correlation between spiritual intelligence, work-family conflict, and job performance of married female university teachers and whether spiritual intelligence and work work-family conflict predict the job performance of married female university teachers or not. A self-constructed demographic questionnaire, meaning in life questionnaire (Steger, 2006) WFC scale by Carlson, et al. (2000) job performance self-rating questionnaire by Amin et. al., (2013) were administered to evaluate the correlation between spiritual intelligence, work-family conflict & job performance. The sample consisted of 200 married female university teachers. (Mage=36.15, SD= 4.10) recruited from different universities of Lahore. Reliability was run along with Pearson’s correlation and multiple Linear Regression and the result indicated a significant correlation between spiritual intelligence, work-family conflict & and job performance of married female university teachers, and spiritual intelligence, work-family conflict emerged as analysts of job performance. Inclusive data on teachers’ job performance is given by this study and accordingly, it will demonstrate a motivating force for educators to improve their job performance.


Spiritual, Intelligence, Conflict, Performance, Teachers



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