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Affective Learning: Exploring Teacher Education Programme Syllabi Alignment with Classroom Practice


  Teacher education is a cornerstone of every education system, serving as a barometer for programme philosophy and quality. This paper delves into the alignment between preservice TE syllabi and classroom practice within Pakistan’s public sector, specific focus on integrating affective skills as outlined in the NPST disposition framework. Through a multimodal approach, this study conducts document analysis and observes teaching methods to gauge the extent to which affected dispositions are fostered. The significance of the affective domain, encompassing emotional and psychosocial aspects of learning, is underscored in this research. Subject selection across semesters is carefully curated values, attitudes, and beliefs essential for effective teaching and learning. The seven selected subjects include Foundations of Reading, Reading Assessment, Teaching Reading, Education Psychology, Classroom Management, Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education, and School Organization. By examining syllabi from 2019-2022, this study aims to ascertain the degree to which affective skills are integrated into the curriculum and manifested in classroom practices. Through detailed document analysis and observation of teaching practices, researchers seek to illuminate the presence of the affective domain in the education system. This study’s findings hold implications for improving TE programmes and fostering a student-centred approach to teaching and learning. Recommendations stemming from the analysis aim to enhance the implementation of syllabi, ensuring they reflect the values and attitudes conducive to holistic learning experiences. By highlighting the importance of effective skills in teacher preparation, it seeks to promote a more comprehensive approach to education that addresses the diverse needs of learners.


Preservice, , Public, , Affective, , Holistic, , NPST


Author Biography

Ms. Mussarat Shahid


PhD Scholar- Assistant Professor: Mussarat Shahid has had a long stint as a School Leader, a Teacher Trainer and an English Language Teacher. Ms. Shahid joined the Forman Christian College as Head of the Writing & Communication Center and Assistant Professor in 2019 upon successfully completing an MPhil in educational leadership and school improvement from the University of Cambridge.

Dr. Afifa Khanam

Dr. Afifa Khanam is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, Lahore College for Women University. She is heading the Faculty Development Center at DFDI, LCWU. She is the Convener of the Alumni Association LCWU and a PhD Coordinator at the Faculty of Education.


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