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نوجوانوں کے رویوں کی تربیت: عوامی پالیسی برائے سوشل میڈیا پر بحث: Tutelage of Youth Behaviour: A Concern of Public Policy on Social Media


Coaching youth behaviour is a core subject of the modern world especially on social media. Islam has given us comprehensive baselines to develop the behaviour of all ages, especially youth. Muslim scholars put a core focus on the coaching of youth behaviour and developed comprehensive ethics and step-by-step activities for the positive growth of youth towards their character building. In the present era, social media is one of the most daily time-taking activities of youth, impacting their behaviour and character development. Pakistani youth need more attention to investigate their behaviour because there are already multiple factors that are damaging their behaviours so what public policy on social media is depicting especially with youth focus is a need for time study. An analytical discourse analysis methodology is applied to the literature review collected through the historical record method. The study also highlighted the psycho-emotional teachings for youth behaviour through the poetry inclusion of Muslim scholars. Damages on youth behaviour in multidimensional aspects are highlighted and mission statements by the Islamic scholars are discussed to develop a future vision of youth in this study. The study is beneficial for the development of the action plan of public policy for the youth especially on social media usage.


Preservation, Young, Mind, Social, Responsibility



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