Madhab Siyasat aur Alm-e-Islam, Mutabadil Biyania: by: Dr. Muhammad Farooq Khan

The book Mutabadil Biyania is written by Dr. Muhammad Farooq Khan, who was a psychiatrist and a great scholar of Islam, He was also a writer and a columnist. The original title of this book is “(Madhab, Siyasat aur Alm-e-islam) Mutabadil Biyania” the book is published by Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue, International Islamic University, Islamabad. It is composed by Mumtaz-ud-din, Husnul Amin, and Muhammad Younas, and printed by Sohail Altaf Printers Rawalpindi. Its publication date is January 2019. It has 452 pages. Its language is Urdu and writing style which used is Nastalik. It is in hard cover. Its ISBN is 978-969-7576-49-4.
Madhab, Siyasat aur Alm-e-Islam, Mutabadil Biyania, Muhammad Farooq Khan, Government version