Unveiling Attitudes: Pakistani Young Students' Value Orientations on Addiction and Addicts

Unlike Western states, where the social factors influencing drug addiction are thoroughly investigated, Pakistani sociological research in the last few decades seems to have failed to illuminate this complex issue adequately. Theories and debates regarding the relationship of addiction to social variables, such as class and lifestyle, are well established globally. However, Pakistan's unique drug landscape calls for a nuanced, contextual exploration, while acknowledging the limits of universal explanations and solutions. A sample of 140 young students from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad who were screened and not addicted to any drug was selected for the research study. The information was collected through a structured instrument prepared in Urdu for better comprehension by the respondents. The sample was purposive and drawn on a quota basis, yet it represented both the undergraduate and graduate classes. The study was designed to generate sufficient data to postulate a few hypotheses on the social causation and effects of addiction. The deductions rendered after this write-up are tentative and subject to verification on a cross-cultural basis. The study inferred that habituating is regarded by society as a vice to be looked upon, the incidence of addiction increases towards both the poles on the SES scale. While, ‘Family’, 'social group', and 'peers, may be thoroughly probed to affirm a postulation. The association of criminality with addiction presently seems to have an inadequate premise for hypothesizing. More elaborate forerunning studies may be planned to entitle a worthwhile postulation.
Youth, Addiction, Awareness, Mental, Drug
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