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Contemporary Economic Recovery Measures: An Analysis in the Context of Prophetic Era: معاشی بحالی کے معاصر اقدامات کا جائزہ،دور نبوی کے تناظر میں


 Economics plays a fundamental role in the integrity and development of a country. That is an economically strong country which provides a better quality of life to its citizens. Contemporarily, all the countries of the world are facing economic challenges. To improve their economic conditions and to get the economy out of the crisis, they are trying to take effective measures like the best use of available resources, encouraging investment, economic planning, and distribution of wealth, discouraging hoarding, and balance in consumption & saving. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) also the many measures for economic development which are reviewed in the paper and analysis is done to conclude the adaptability of those measures in the contemporary world. He (PBUH) discouraged hoarding and the ensured fair distribution of wealth. He (PBUH) provided facilities to the investors and ensure the protection of their rights. In this article, the narrative and comparative methods of research try to examine the economic recovery measures of the present day and in the era of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Economic Crisis,Prophet Measures,Islamic History,best use of resources,tax system.

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