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How Digital Marketing and Perceived Performance is Influencing Consumer Buying Behaviour


Currently, digital marketing has become an essential factor in campaigns to attract and retain online buyers. This study aims to identify how different digital marketing tools impact consumer buying behaviour. This research shows the most appropriate actions to take while planning an online strategy and retaining users. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of perceived performance in shaping consumer behaviour, as consumers are more likely to purchase if they believe that a product or service meets their expectations. Also, this research signifies running an effective digital marketing campaign. This research has implications for businesses looking to improve their marketing strategies and enhance their customer relationships in the digital age. Non-probability sampling method was used to select the sample. Convenience sampling involves selecting participants who are easily accessible and willing to participate in the study. The data is gathered through online surveys from a sample of 450 respondents. To analyze the data, the study used SPSS software and Smart PLS. SPSS is a statistical software package used for data analysis. The conclusion of this research shows factors that should be utilized while planning a campaign with digital marketing tools. The effect on Consumer buying behaviour for online purchases is necessary for all SMEs, e-commerce, and online retail industries, especially their performance. Through this research, companies can identify which campaign is suitable for them to run in the market of Karachi. A full detailed study is required by having different performance indicators as mediators or moderators in the future.


digital marketing, consumer buying behavior, perceived performance, digital channels, consumer online purchase behavior



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