The Effect of Green Practices on SCEP in Paint Industries of Karachi with Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity

In this promptly changing world people are becoming more advance in technology and conscious regarding their health, the main factor that is necessary to live a healthy life is a cleaner and greener environment, but due to the manufacturing firms producing hazardous products the rate of pollution is increasing rapidly and many firms are working and trying to implement methods that help them safe environment from the hazardous effect of pollution. The main focus of this research is on the supply chain performance of paint manufacturing firms because the chemicals used in the manufacturing of paints can be hazardous, as the mixing and solutions of paint create some toxic air pollutants and volatile organic compounds. As these manufacturing firms are well aware of the side effects of this issue, they are adopting green practices these days to improve their SCEP. This study is conducted to identify the effect of green practices that how they affect supply chain environmental performance with mediating role of absorptive capacity. The green practices include 7 variables which are green manufacturing, green purchasing, green marketing, green distribution, green packaging. The factual data is collected through an online questionnaire survey form, total of 103 employees of paint manufacturing firms based in Karachi who is listed with the supply chain department are requested and invited to fill out the survey form for this study. The results of this study are important in highlighting the importance of GSCM in the environmental performance of paint manufacturing firms in Karachi.
Green Practices, , Environmental performance, , Supply chain, , Paint manufacturing, , Effect of Pollution
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