Impact of Barriers in Green Supply Chain Practices on the relationship between Green Supply Chain Management and The firm’s Performance: In the context of Pakistan

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of GSCM practices on firms’ economical, operational, and environmental performance with the moderating effect of barriers in the context of Pakistan. Such topics are rarely discussed by different supply chain authors in Pakistan. Researchers have given much importance to green supply chain management as it helps to lower the negative environmental impacts and also helps companies to grow economically. This study is based on the experts’ opinions and literature review that we added from various past kinds of research from different countries related to green supply chains and barriers to their implementation. So this study will contribute to green supply chain research in the future and it will also provide direction to experts to identify barriers to the adoption of green practices by Pakistani firms. It also contributes to the literature by combining the important variables of GSCM practices, firm performance and Barriers. This study also suggests some measures in the literature review to mitigate barriers to the adoption of green practices. In future, the researchers can conduct studies specifically for one industry to make this research more specific. In this study, we assessed all the variables together further studies can take individual independent or dependent variables for deep insight. In this study, we used qualitative and quantitative research methods and collected data that supports our proposed hypothesis. The result of this study tells that green practices are highly significant to the firm’s performance and barriers negatively impact this relationship.
Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM), , Green procurement (GP), , Green manufacturing (GM), , Green distribution (GD), , Green logistics (GL), , Barriers
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