Examining the Role of Advertising and Sales Promotion in Brand Equity Creation of Tea Industry in Pakistan : with Moderating Effect of Brand Experience
The research delves into determining the connection between two main components of a communication strategy which are advertising and sales promotion and the impact they generate on creating brand equity for an organization. Moreover, the customer satisfaction level is derived by evaluating various brand equity dimensions, and through this research, a company can design and manage those aspects of brand equity favorably. In this study an industry that has a high potential to lead globally is the Pakistani Tea industry which has been selected to perform the data collection process, the result supports the renowned and locally leading brand Tapal which is acting as a major competitor against Unilever’s Lipton and aiming to make Pakistan a self-sufficient country to fulfill its tea consumption needs in future. Individuals were able to easily recall and associate with the daily life commodity brand as people here in Pakistan have a high inclination towards tea consumption in their daily routine. This research article will help design a corporate strategy for Pakistani Tea brands and from a wider perspective, it is essential for overall industrial growth. The result shows that Tapal is 67% of people’s first choice due to brand experience which is quality and taste. Also, it establishes the role of brand experience as an important contributor to brand equity in comparison to promotions, brand awareness, and brand associations as respondents seemed to be loyal to the selected brand due to its persistence in delivering the desired experience each time.
Brand Experience, Brand loyalty, Perceived Quality, Monetary Promotions, Non-Monetary Promotions, Brand awareness, Brand association
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