Effect of ICT on ESL Learners’ Writing Proficiency Skills

This study aimed to investigate the Impact of ICT on the Writing Skills of ESL learners at the Secondary level. This study was conducted in a Secondary school in Sadiqabad. This study was experimental. Two groups were administrated to conduct this study. Each group contains 25 ESL students at the secondary level. One of them is the Control group which was taught through the traditional method of teaching and the other is the Experimental group which was treated with ICT integrated Collaborative method of teaching. Before conducting the study, a pretest was conducted to find out the present knowledge. After conducting the study, posttests were conducted to find out the difference in the scores. The Posttest of the Experimental score disclosed that ICT based Collaborative method of teaching is a better and more significant method of teaching as compared to the traditional method of teaching.
ICT , Information and Communication Technology, ESL , learners, Secondary level, Writing Skills
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