Use Of Semantic and Clustering Methods : for Teaching English Vocabulary At Elementary Level

The study aims to find out the use of semantics and clustering methods in the ESL classroom to improve the vocabulary of ESL learners at the Elementary level. An Experimental study was conducted for this purpose. Two groups were managed i.e., i- control group and ii- Experimental group. The study was conducted in an Elementary public school. The total number of students selected for this purpose was 50 i.e., 25 for each group. The control group was taught with the traditional method and the experimental group was treated with different activities by using semantic and clustering methods in ESL classrooms for improving vocabulary. Pretest and posttest were conducted from both groups. Pretest for assessing their present knowledge of vocabulary and posttest for finding the difference between the groups. The result showed the experimental group’s performance was much more significant than that of the control group, which means the use of semantic and clustering methods for teaching vocabulary is useful.
Semantic, , ESL, , Vocabulary, , Clustering, , Elementary level
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