Emotional Intelligence among the Teachers of Special Needs Children: A Systematic Review
This systematic review article is based on the previous literature and aims to explore the importance of emotional intelligence among teachers of special needs children. The current study has abstracted the 520 articles of EI, and further, these have been filtered, and 35 more relevant and suitable as per the study aim have been included in this systematic review. Random sampling has been used, and data has been collected from Google Scholar, PubMed, MDPI, and Science Direct. The literature matrix has been used to get the main findings. It has been found that EI is critical for teachers of special needs children to understand the behaviour of the student, manage their attitude and enhance their performance. The current study has found that there is a great need for training for special education children related to utilizing the EI because they are more stressed to teach in the special education sector compared to other educational institutes. The current study is limited to EI among special needs children and secondary sources. Future studies can be made through primary data collection, and the implications of the current review are effective in enhancing teachers of special education performance and EI for a better workplace.
Emotional Intelligence, , Teachers of Special Needs Children, , Special Education, , Systematic Review, , Special Education teachers
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