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An Analysis of Sindhi Taboo Words in Zahar Zindagi and Takrar (Dramas)


  This study investigates social taboos in two Sindhi TV dramas, ZAHAR ZINDAGI and TAKRAR. Both selected dramas are aired on television during the prime time when most viewers get free from their routine activities. Viewing the nature of the study, the researchers employ qualitative descriptive research in which phenomenological features of a particular audience are examined and understood using direct observation (Creswell, 2012). The sampling size of each drama episode (n=7) is collected through purposive sampling. Considering the theoretical framework, this endeavour used Jay's (1992) nine types of taboo words as a theoretical framework. Eventually, a deep dive into the collected prime time two Sindhi dramas, the study finds seven types of taboo words, excluding blasphemy and scatology. The results show that insult and slur (offensive words) and vulgarity (coarse/unrefined words) are the most used taboo words which offend female and male characters in the drama, the next excessively used word is cursing (invoking against something), obscenity (indecency words), epithet (attributing ethnicity, race, and gender), slang (informal words) and profanity (swear words) (see findings section). This study further implies that taboo words are used for reasons such as to catch attention, to show detest and frustration, to strive emotions by catharses and humour, and to enhance authenticity and realism. Besides, this study opens a window for more studies to observe taboo language and its impact on youth and family members.


Drama, , Taboo, , Zindagi, , TAKRAR, , Obscenity



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