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Politico-Religious Thoughts of Shah Waliullah (1703-1762) and Abul Aala Maududi (1903-1979): A Comparative Study


  The research in hand holds significant importance for several reasons because both Shah Waliullah and Abul Aala Maududi were influential Islamic thinkers whose ideas continue to shape political discourse in Muslim-majority countries. Studying and comparing their political thought provides insights into the development of political scholarship in the South Asian context. Envisioning the multifarious acumen of these scholars offers a deep understanding of the historical context in which they lived. Shah Waliullah’s ideas emerged during the heyday of Muslim rule, later captured by the British colonizers. Nevertheless, Maududi’s thoughts were influential during the decolonization and the partition of India. Understanding their ideas in these contexts enriches studying Indian and Islamic history. Both scholars had a profound impact on political and social movements. Shah Waliullah’s ideas influenced reformist movements within the Indian Muslim community, while Maududi’s thoughts laid the foundation for Islamist movements, not only in India but also in other parts of the Muslim world, understanding their influence helps in comprehending the trajectory of political movements in the region. Studying their political thought provides insights into how these scholars perceived relations between Muslims and non-Muslims. The methodology employed here helps in establishing a discourse that the works of both personalities lead to the establishment of a cosmopolitan Islamic state in the light of Islamic injunctions.


Islam, , Subcontinent, , Empire, , Caliphate, , Political



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