Effect of Management Practices on the Achievement of Students of Higher Secondary Level in AJ&K

Management practices play an important role in promoting any institute. Principals of colleges accomplish many management practices to get good results. It aimed to explore the management practices of principals and teachers at higher secondary levels, to scan the academic achievements of students of higher secondary levels, and to find out the effect of management practices of principals and teachers on the academic achievements of students at higher secondary levels. The study was descriptive, and a cross-sectional survey was used for the collection of data. 70 principals and 1432 teachers at the Degree colleges of Mirpur Division were the population of this study. The study sample consisted of 50 (27 male and 23 female) principals and 100 (54 male and 46 female) teachers, selected using a simple random sampling technique. This approach ensured that every member of the population had an equal chance of being included in the study, minimizing selection bias and enhancing the generalizability of the findings. For the academic achievements of the students, the results of compulsory subjects of the sessions 2020-21 and 2021-22 were considered. The data were analysed by using the SPSS 23 version. It is recommended that principals and teachers use management practices like planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting in a scientific way to get desired results in terms of students’ academic achievements.
Achievements, Management, Practices, POSDCORB, Education
Author Biography
Shabana Kousar
SHABANA KOUSAR is a Lecturer at the Government Post Graduate College for Women, Kotli Azad Kashmir, Pakistan,
Nauman Sadeeq
Naouman is a PhD Scholar in the Department of Education at International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan,
Khatiba Akhter
KHATIBA AKHTER is a Lecture at the Department of Education in the University of Kotli Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
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