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Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction: An Analytic Investigation


The study explored the relationship between transformational leadership of principals and the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Muzaffarabad. The study was limited to teachers working in government male and female secondary schools in Muzaffarabad. It was a descriptive correlational study and the survey method was used for data collection. A total sample of 254 secondary school teachers and 90 principals were selected using a convenient sampling technique. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) were the two tools used to gather the data. Data was collected through personal visits to the schools. Data was analyzed by applying Pearson's correlation. The study found a significant positive relationship between transformational leadership and the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers. This study indicates that effective transformational leadership can contribute to higher job satisfaction among teachers. Future research could explore additional factors influencing this relationship.


transformational leadership, , job satisfaction, , secondary school teachers, , Muzaffarabad, , correlational study.



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