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Resisting Hegemonic Masculinity: : An Exploration of Social Constructions of Masculinity in Anna Burns' Milkman (2018)


This study examines the role of hegemonic masculinity and its impact on the social constructions of masculinity as portrayed in Anna Burns’ Milkman (2018). Centered on Gender Studies and grounded in R. W. Connell’s theory of Hegemonic Masculinity (1995), it investigates how traditional gender roles and authority are both resisted and assimilated by the novel’s characters. The research demonstrates that hegemonic masculinity not only reinforces patriarchal norms and misogyny but also intensifies female resistance, shedding light on the complex interplay between power and gender. While it has often served as a barrier to gender equality by perpetuating patriarchal norms and misogyny, it has also ignited feminist activism by aggravating resistance. By examining this dynamic, the analysis highlights the ongoing gender struggle for equal rights and societal justice. The study also explores how these gendered power structures manifest in the everyday experiences of the characters, illustrating the pervasive influence of hegemonic masculinity on their lives and interactions. This deeper understanding offers valuable insights into the impact of hegemonic masculinity on societal structures, contributing to the broader discourse on gender and power. The research recommends the necessity of continued critical examination of the resistance against hegemonic masculinity to advance gender equity to challenge entrenched patriarchal systems.


Hegemonic, Masculinity, Feminist, Misogyny, Gender



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