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A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private School Teachers Perception on Single National Curriculum Implementation


In this study, the perceptions of public and private school teachers in district Bahawalpur regarding the implementation of the Single National Curriculum (SNC) have been evaluated. Through a comparative analysis, the study assesses aspects of SNC such as the promotion of educational equity, social awareness, attitudes, and satisfaction levels of teachers regarding their ability to bridge differences and promote social harmony were assessed. Data was collected from 149 teachers, including 78 government and 71 private school teachers. The ANOVA results indicate that there is a significant difference in the perceptions of public and private school teachers. However, both groups of teachers support educational equality. The study revealed that private school teachers are more content with the curriculum and teacher training provided under the SNC, considering it more effective than other training programs. The results of the study also suggest that schools require specific assistance and funds to implement SNC effectively across different institutions. In conclusion, the state of teachers’ perceptions towards the new curriculum contributes to the ongoing debate on educational reforms in Pakistan.


Education, Reforms, Curriculum, Implementation, Equity



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