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Exploring the Prevalence of Behavioral Issues and Learning Barriers among Secondary School Students in Punjab and their Impact on Adjustment Abilities


   This study examined the prevalence of behavioural issues and learning barriers among secondary school students in Punjab, Pakistan, and their influence on adjustment abilities. Employing a descriptive research design with quantitative methods, the study investigated prevalent behavioural issues, common learning barriers, specific adjustment abilities, and correlations between behavioural issues and learning barriers. The study population comprised 6,572 secondary schools and 123,240 teachers of 9th and 10th grades. Using convenience sampling, 400 schools from three districts were selected, and the targeted sample included 200 teachers. The survey instrument, validated with a Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.85, consisted of Likert-scale questions. Quantitative data analysis utilized descriptive and inferential statistics, revealing a significant positive relationship between behavioural issues and adjustment abilities. However, learning barriers demonstrated insignificant effects.


Correlations, , Punjab, , Convenience, , Barriers, , Abilities



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